

lunes, 14 de enero de 2013



A) The Body – El Cuerpo

1. face – rostro
2. mouth – boca
3. chin – barbilla
4. neck – cuello
5. shoulder- hombro
6. arm – brazo
7. upper arm – brazo (parte superior)
8. elbow -codo
9. forearm – antebrazo
10. armpit – axila / sobaco
11. back – espalda
12. chest – pecho
13. waist – cintura
14. abdomen – abdomen
15. buttocks – nalgas (trasero)
16. hip – cadera
17. leg – pierna
18. thigh – muslo
19. knee – rodilla
11. calf – pantorrilla

B) The Hand / La Mano

21. wrist – muñeca
22. knuckle – nudillo
23. fingernail – uña
24. thumb – pulgar
25. index finger – dedo índice
26. middle finger – dedo del medio
27. ring finger – dedo anular
28. little finger – dedo meñique
29. palm – palma

C) The Head / Cabeza

30. hair – cabello
31. part – entrada
32. forehead – frente
33. sideburn – patilla
34. ear – oreja
35. cheek – mejilla / cachete
36. middle finger – dedo del medio
37. nostril – orificio nasal
38. jaw – quijada
39. beard – barba
40. mustache – bigote
41. tongue – lengua
42. tooth – diente
43. lip – labio

D) The Eye / Ojo

44. eyebrow – ceja
45. eyelid – párpado
46. eyelashes – pestañas
47. iris – iris
48. pupil – pupila

E) The Foot / Pie

49. ankle – tobillo
50. heel – talón
51. instep – arco
52. ball
53. big toe – dedo gordo
54. toe – dedo del pie
55. little toe – meñique del pie

F) The Internal Organs / Organos Internos

57. brain – cerebro
58. spinal cord – columna vertebral
59. throat – garganta
60. wind pipe – traquea
61. esophagus – esófogo
62. muscle – músculo
63. lung – pulmón
64. heart – corazón
65. liver – hígado
66. stomach – estómago
67. intestines – intestinos
68. vein – vena
69. artery- arteria
70. kidney – riñon
71. pancreas – pancreas
72. bladder – vejiga

The importance of sports in primary education

We must try to make known the exhilaration of the sport. fight against parents who claim to have an elite athlete at home, sacrificing most beautiful years of your child.

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

domingo, 15 de enero de 2012

Commercial for a better world.

We've seen it many times. But I think we must not forget the positive things life has to offer. We provide our students methods to study but ... and lifestyles  ; )

sábado, 14 de enero de 2012

Geography game

A student proposed to play a game of geography.
We tested it with the PDI, and it was a success.

I'm hooked!!


The computer in class.

I'd like to comment about having a computer in class. This is given by the methodology used in
the school. In our educational project appears as an aspect Center
Basic game, the way to bring children to the computer, it will be like a game.
Therefore this aspect of "fun" will be dominant in the view that the child has the computer. By this I mean that part of our vision to influence more or less innovative class affects the perception on the college of new technologies.

Digital Blackboard

We start to year with desire to work with new materials. I encourage you to browse for further information on whiteboards, training and content for interactive whiteboards, projectors, projectors short lens, projectors, interactive, speakers for classroom response system, or vote, displays and document cameras, projector mounts, PDI media, events related to TIC´s and education, digital wireless tablets, tablets ... and what's to come!
Here's a video:

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012


I want to share with you something I found. Here I put a very interesting video about the world of the copy.
I believe that today is a highly controversial issue, I show a video related to the topic, allowing us to think about it. I do not want to condition your thinking about the world of the copy, but I'd like you to see it.
I tell you that there is long but worth it.